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Sunday 29 May 2011




Post-tour Project Assignment Topics

Day 6

Day 6 marked the last day of our entire immersion programme in Beijing.

We managed to sleep in a little longer before we checked out. After breakfast, we went to a hutong. Hutong is made up of several neighbourhoods with alleys of traditional courtyard (shiyuen) residences. We took a trishaw ride along the narrow alleys of the residences and admire the architecture of these old houses with courtyards. Many of these hutongs had been demolished to make way for new roads and houses. We alighted at one of the courtyards. We learnt to make dumplings in the courtyard like in olden times where the residents would come together to make dumplings. It was quite an experience for us. We also had lunch in one of the houses and they served us their homecooked food.

Hutong, Courtyard

After lunch, we went to the Beijing Urban Planning Centre. In this 4 storeys building, we had the opportunity to see the masterplan of the Beijing's urban construction as well as the splendid future of Beijing city development. We also went to the movie hall in the centre to watch a clip about the 3000 year history of Beijing as a city and 850 year history as a capital. This gave us a deeper understanding of the history to the Forbidden City and the construction around it.

Beijing Urban Planning Centre

Next, we visited a bookshop and some of us bought some Chinese storybooks and stationery. The bookshop is huge and they sell a variety of books. It is something like the Kinokuniya in Singapore but just that most of the books are in Chinese.

Finally, our last destination for the trip was a gymnasium. We saw how hard the Rhythmic gymnasts train under the China Coaches. Some of us participated in the training session. The gymnasts were very friendly and hospitable. They prepared a lot of little gifts for us.

The gymnasium was our last stop before heading to the airport. Thank you for the wonderful memories in Beijing and Tianjin....

Goodbye Beijing!!! Hello Singapore!!!

Friday 27 May 2011

Day 5

Hello Tianjin!!! We were very excited as we were going for a school visit at Tianjin Primary School. We received a warm welcome from the school band with them playing the percussion music when we entered the school premise. The principal, teachers and pupils of Tianjin Primary School came to receive us as well.  We were pleasantly surprised to make such a grand entrance. Next, we witnessed the pupils in their daily exercise routine, which is a combination of martial arts and yoga.

We attended a PE lesson and enjoyed ourselves tremendously. We played the traditional game of  'Fish and Net' with the Tianjin pupils and some of us displayed our vaulting skills.


We were invited  to the Chinese Calligraphy class . It amazed us that the pupils get to learn Chinese calligraphy at  such a young age. One of the boys who is 7 years old even held an exhibition to showcase his calligraphy and art pieces. You can imagine how good the pupils are at Chinese Calligraphy.


We went on to watch the Chinese dancers and the choir perform their items. They were eager to show to teach us the steps. We were very shy but we plucked up our courage to join them in the dance. That was the biggest challenge for us as not many of us have that groove.


Subsequently, we went for a Chinese lesson and a Chinese Paper Cutting lesson. The Chinese lesson was very engaging and we got to use words to form Chinese idoms and interesting phrases. The Tianjin pupils helped us with some of the phrases and their Chinese is superb!


Lastly, we ended our school visit with a string of performances by the pupils. We were very impressed with the Primary 1 pupils when they played the pipa. They played it exteremely well. The Primary 3 pupils also played us a song using er-hu. Another performance that left a deep impression on us is the Chinese Opera.


We were very touched by the school's warm gesture and hope that the Tianjin pupils will visit us soon. We would be very happy to host them when they come to Singapore. Thank you Tianjin Primary school for your hospitality!

Thank you Tianjin Primary School!!!


吃葡萄 / 不吐葡萄皮儿, 
不吃葡萄 / 倒吐葡萄皮儿。
不是我 / 爱吃葡萄皮儿 ,

为的是 / 练好我的薄嘴唇儿。

Figuring out the 'kuai ban'
Listening intentively to the Master of kuai ban.
Demonstration by the teacher

He is really good at kuai ban!

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Day 4

We woke up exceptionally early today to get ready for our train ride to Tianjin. The Beijing–Tianjin Intercity Railway is a high-speed railway service that travels at the maximum speed of 350km/h. We spent 25 minutes to travel from Beijing to Tianjin. That was really fast!!! The train station is almost like the Beijing International Airport! Thumbs up for the railway service!

When we arrived at Tianjin, we went directly to the Tianjin Italy Custom Area. The street was filled with many cafes that serve different Italian specialties. It felt like we were in ‘mini’ Italy. Guess what? We saw 3 couples taking bridal photos for their big day!  Check us out in one of the photographs!

We are in Italy!

Snapshots of 'mini' Italy

Our next stop was the Ancient Cultural Street and Food Mall. The cultural street has very special architectural styles especially the Tian Hou Temple. We also had the opportunity to buy various folk crafts and sample the delicious local Tianjin snacks like the Guo Bu Li buns. The buns tasted like Xiao Long Bun, just that they were not as juicy as the Xiao Long Baos. We had an early dinner and were back in the hotel at about 8pm to catch some rest before our visit tomorrow at Tianjin Primary School!!!  

Day 3

We started our day with a school visit to Beijing Primary School. It was an eye opener for us. Not only did a walk about in the huge school compound guided by the friendly pupils who speak very well, we also participated in a Chinese knot making lesson. Guess what? There is an indoor swimming pool for the pupils. Beijing Primary School is actually a boarding school where pupils reside in the school on weekdays. They are very independent.

Chinese Knot Making!

This was our lunch!! Quan Ju De Roast Duck !! Yum yum!!!

After our heavy lunch, it was time for our work out! Our legs still ached from the climb at Great Wall of China especially the teachers! =P Our next stop is the Forbidden City. The Forbidden City was the imperial palace from the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty. According to our guide, it has nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine and a half rooms. You can imagine how big it is…. We managed a glimpse of Chairman Mao Zedong outside the Forbidden City. Chairman Mao was he was the founding father of People’s Republic of China(PRC). We then took a long stroll from the Forbidden City to Tianamen Square. Tianamen Square was the entrance to the Imperial City, within which the Forbidden City was located.

After dinner, we went to Lao She Teahouse to have some tea and light snacks. There was a string of performances that was lined up for us. We managed to catch a magic show, acrobatics, 双黄 and 变脸. However, we were not able to appreciate the Chinese Opera.

Stay tune.. We will be heading to Tianjin tomorrow!!!

P.S: We were not able to put up all the photographs taken due to the slow internet connection.

Monday 23 May 2011

Day 2

After our hearty meal of western breakfast, we visited the Great Wall of China. Spanning a total of 5600km, it starts from the banks of Yalu River in the east and meanders towards the Qilian and Tianshan Mountains in the west. Its gigantic proportions of constructions and great magnificence have amazed us. We began our journey at Jun Yong Pass which is the renowned pass of Great Wall of China. We managed to get to the second station of the Great Wall of China. The steps were really steep and we had to take short breaks in between. What an achievement for us!!!!

“After having a go at the Great Wall of China, I think with this training, we will definitely pass our NAPFA test!" Claudia Tan

 After lunch, we set off to the orchard to pick cherries.. We picked the red, juicy cherries fresh from the trees. It was indeed an experience for us. Something that we have never done in Singapore…….

We visited the Ming Tomb and the tour guide told us stories about the Emperor and Empresses from the Ming Dynasty. Although we do not know much about the history, we enjoyed listening to the sharing.

Finally, we went to the Beijing National Stadium , otherwise known as the ‘bird’s nest’. The stadium was designed and built for the Olympics in 2008. It really wowed us with the interesting bird’s nest design and the number of people it can hold. We are glad that we have visited it although there weren’t any games going on that time.