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Monday 16 May 2011

We are Billingual (WeB) 英汉我皆通

The pupils from CHIJ (Kellock) come mainly from English speaking homes. This poses a challenge when it comes to the teaching and learning of Mother Tongue Languages (MTL). As such, the school has paid special attention to recognize the importance of MTL and has looked into various means of engaging pupils in meaningful ways. To stretch our P5 High Ability pupils in Chinese Language, the MTL Dept has designed the We are bilingual (WeB) Programme in consultation with the researchers from the Asian Languages and Cultures Department (ALCD), NIE. The programme adopts a functional learning approach, emphasizing the practical use of the Chinese language in authentic / real-life situations. This programme also highlights some common language “transfer” errors made by pupils which are influenced by their First Language (English). This programme is also tied in with a cultural immersion trip to China in May 2011.

圣婴女校(客洛)在2011年为五年级学业优秀、语言学习能力强的学生开办了“英汉我皆通”(We are Bilingual)的特别课程。本课程通过教导一些英汉语言对比的知识,以让学生初步认识华语和英语在词汇、句式和文化背景上的异同,从而帮助她们在学习华文的过程中,排除英文的负迁移影响,更有效地学习华文。此外,本课程注重理论与实践相结合,所选的话题围绕着学生的生活与交际需要,确保学生能学有所得,学有所用。本课程根据话题共分为十个单元,主要内容包括英汉语言对比、翻译技巧、及一些日常情境下的双语对话。学生要求在最后一个单元有创意地呈现她们的学习成果。

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