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Wednesday 25 May 2011

Day 3

We started our day with a school visit to Beijing Primary School. It was an eye opener for us. Not only did a walk about in the huge school compound guided by the friendly pupils who speak very well, we also participated in a Chinese knot making lesson. Guess what? There is an indoor swimming pool for the pupils. Beijing Primary School is actually a boarding school where pupils reside in the school on weekdays. They are very independent.

Chinese Knot Making!

This was our lunch!! Quan Ju De Roast Duck !! Yum yum!!!

After our heavy lunch, it was time for our work out! Our legs still ached from the climb at Great Wall of China especially the teachers! =P Our next stop is the Forbidden City. The Forbidden City was the imperial palace from the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty. According to our guide, it has nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine and a half rooms. You can imagine how big it is…. We managed a glimpse of Chairman Mao Zedong outside the Forbidden City. Chairman Mao was he was the founding father of People’s Republic of China(PRC). We then took a long stroll from the Forbidden City to Tianamen Square. Tianamen Square was the entrance to the Imperial City, within which the Forbidden City was located.

After dinner, we went to Lao She Teahouse to have some tea and light snacks. There was a string of performances that was lined up for us. We managed to catch a magic show, acrobatics, 双黄 and 变脸. However, we were not able to appreciate the Chinese Opera.

Stay tune.. We will be heading to Tianjin tomorrow!!!

P.S: We were not able to put up all the photographs taken due to the slow internet connection.

1 comment:

  1. Rachel Tan's Daddy wrote:

    Wow, all the excitement for the day, immersing into the Chinese culture and eating Peking Duck (my favorite!!),and then cleansing with Chinese Tea!! Yummy!!

    I must say that I truely enjoyed every single picture that's posted and it help me to keep track that all are well as well...

    Keep up the good job and do post more pictures as I'm downloading every single one..

    Rachel, I could actually has an album of your China Trip by the time you touch down on Saturday!!

    Well, do continue to eat well and sleep well to enjoy the trip and we all missed you back home..

    Smooch from Mummy, Rena and Regina..

    Thanks again to all the Teachers for a well executed programme and taking good care of all the girls..

    With Love
    from Daddy, Mummy, Ta Jie & Siao Mei
