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Sunday 29 May 2011





  1. I think this immersion trip is a very enjoyable one!During this whole trip I learn how to be more independent.I have also learnt alot on this trip and I learnt more about Beijing.Now when people ask me about Beijing,I can tell them more about it.I hope I can go for another immersion trip to Beijing.Not only because of the fun but also because I can learn more about Beijing and go to the places that we have not went.
    Lin Shuxiang
    5 Merecury

  2. I think this trip was very fun and exciting! Now i have learnt more about the culture of china and what it is like there. The part i like most throughout the trip is when we went to the Great Wall of China because it was very beautiful and fun. When we were walking up the stairs, an uncle walking down said to us 加油 !!! Although it was tiring, we had lots of fun. I wish the teachers will plan another trip again soon so we can go to another part of China!

    Vivi Serelli Lee
    P5 Neptune :)

  3. I think this trip to China is a lot of fun and it is very exciting. My favorite place in China is the Forbidden City. I think the Forbidden City is huge and when I walked a quater of the Forbidden City, I already felt tired. We also went to a lot of other places in China. I have learnt a lot from this trip about China's culture and I feel I have chose the right choice to go to China with the school. I hope the teachers wil arrange another trip overseas.

    Chrystal Quek
    P5 Jupiter

  4. hi!!!I have no photo to post though,but the trip was really exciting and fun!!!太好玩了!!!I wanna go again..The best memory I had in china was at Beijing 小学 and Tianjin 小学!..The pupils at Tianjin primary school welcomed us heartily and "played" the drum as a welcome ceremony..and the school is cool!And at Beijing primary school,the choir members sang "茉莉花"to welcome us..Wonderful singing..!My tour guide,a primary 6 girl named Amy ,could speak fluent English..I am surprised that the china students could speak such great English..

    -吴映慧,GOH YING HUI
    P5 Neptune

  5. This China Trip has widened my knowledge of China greatly, and if you give me any oppotunity to go again, I'll gladly accept it!!! Thank you to all the teachers that brought us to China, you always looked out for us and for our safety, and for that we are very appreciative :):):):) I like picking cherries and taking the trishaw ride the best. As for the cherries, I got to pick tasty, red cherries fresh from the trees, now that is a once-in-a-lifetime oppotrunity for me. As for the trishaw ride, I got to enjoy the last few hours together with my partner Xue Ni, as she was leaving early to stay at her Mother's friend's house for 2 days, then going back to her hometown (also in China), on the cool and breezy trishaw ride. When I saw the the living conditions of the people there, I felt very lucky to be living in Singapore with a very nice home and living condition. I would also like to thank my friends who also went to China with me for making the trip so fun and exciting!!! And the people who organised and prepared the trip for us, without you, this trip would never have happened. Last but not least, my room mate, Xue Ni. You have made the trip completely AWSHUM!!!!!:):):) Have fun in your home town Xue Ni, and don't forget to eat buckloads of ice-cream!!!

    Clarissa Foo Yan Fang
    P5 Mars

  6. 我的反思,


    P5 Mars

  7. This trip to China is indeed FUN but quite tiring. The best moments are when we go to the Forbidden City and bumpy trishaw ride we rode. The Forbidden City is totally COOL! There is a lot of palaces and is breezy there. the trishaw ride is very bumpy and the trishaw uncle cycled us really fast. WHOOSH!!! In conclusion, I wish our WeB teachers would organize another trip for us in future.

    Alicia ho
    P5 Mars

  8. 这次跟随老师和同学们到中国去参加学习之旅,让我最怀念的地方是万里长城。爬长城时很辛苦,但我还是继续往上爬,爬到大多数同学们停下来的地方。“不上长城非好汉!”,当我爬上长城时,我感到很兴奋,让我觉得之前的辛苦都是值得的!


    P5 Neptune

  9. I enjoyed this trip a lot because we learned lots of new knowledge about China and we had tons of fun. Now, when I go to China, I will not feel very unfimiliar and when people ask me about Beijing or Tianjin, I can tell them more about Beijing and Tianjin of what I know. I want to thank all the teachers, tour guides, bus drivers and friends as well. Without you guys, this trip would not have been successful. I wish that in the future that the teachers would arrange more of this Immersion trips.

    Phoebe Julian
    P5 Mars

  10. I think this trip was fun and knowledgable. I learned lots of new thing about China. I enjoyed the trishaw ride and cherry-picking the most. To me, it was an once-in-a-life-time experience. Now, when people ask me about China, I can tell them more about it than what I knew before. I hope that the teachers will arrange more of this immersion trips in the future. I want to thank the teachers, tour guides, bus drivers and friends. Without you guys, this trip would not have been successful or fun.
    Phoebe Julian
    P5 Mars

  11. 黄恩祈 Caris Ng5 June 2011 at 21:05

    Having to be able to join this learning journey to Beijing, I feel very fortunate. But first of all, we must really thank the teachers and the tour guides for. They took special care of us and even put in alot of efforts to make this trip a sucess. In this 6 days, I have learnt a lot of new things and have also become more self-independent. Not an exception, we have also enhanced the friendship between the us. However on this whole trip, my favourite memory was climbing the Great Wall Of China! When we were heading up, people who were climbing down would always leave us a word of encouragement. I was touched by their friendliness towards us. Even though I did not climb up to the highest point, but reaching up half-way had already given me a sense of satisfactory. If anyone asks me whether should they go,I will highly encourage them to, because when they are there, they not only learn new things, but enjoy and have fun.


    This was the view that we had taken on the Great Wall Of China.

    P5 Mars

  12. I feel very fortunate because I can get to go China for an educational trip. This trip is fun and I also get to learn the culture of China. I enjoy the Great Wall of China and the experience to pluck the cherries.The cherries were delicious and juicy.When I was climbing up the Great Wall of China, I was feeling very tired and wanted to give up.However, there was a boy with his grandfather coming down and saw all of us climbing up.He shouted "Jia You ! ". The old man's encouragement gave me the energy to continue to climb up the Great Wall of China until the third level.Although my friends and I did not climb up to the top of Great Wall of China, at least we attempted climbing it as far up as possible!We went to other places of Beijing like the Forbidden Kingdom, Hutong and did activities like sitting in a trishaw and visiting the China Railway Museum.The most memorable place for me is in the Tianjing primary school. This is because the students in the school played the drums and sang a song to welcome us.We get to attend a Physical Education(PE) lesson. We could only run around in half side of the field.If the catchers catch us, we would also become catchers too! I was the last one to be caught!!!This was really a mermorable trip that I would never forget.This trip will always be etched on my memory!!!I must thank the teachers who had been taking care of us during this trip. I hope that there would be another chance for me to go on an educational trip. I did not only have fun but also learnt a lot about the Chinese culture.

    Megan Tan
    P5 Mercury

  13. I think that this 6-day learning journey to Beijing and Tianjin had certainly helped me to understand more about China and the chinese culture. I have especially enjoyed the trishaw ride and the visit to the Beijing Urban Planning Centre. Making dumplings at the Hutong Courtyard was fun too. Not to be missed out,this trip had also strengthen my friendship with many of my friends. Lastly, I would like to thank the teachers that had accompanied us to China for ensuring a safe and enjoyable trip throughout the whole journey. I hope to be able to embark on a similar journey in the future.
    Claudia Tan, P5 Mars
    (btw I don't have any picture to post.)

  14. Nicole chua :)9 June 2011 at 20:44

    As what people say, everything comes with a price . Though the price to pay for going to china was expensive , I found it really worth it. In this 6 days I enjoyed the times with friends as the helped me to go on DIET! The teachers took special care of us to make sure we go back safely to Singapore in 'full' . The place that I like most is Great Wall of China even though it was quite scary I realized that all of us are especially concerned of each other! I almost gave up halfway but my friend pulled me up and said : " You must stand up! I can guarantee that when you get up there there will be this feeling that will let you feel you owned this whole world! " When I finally reach my destination , I felt it. , so it was the sense of achievement ! I will never ever forget that feeling . I just cannot express my gratitude to the teachers and the tour guides with us . They were AWESOME ! Hope I will get another chance to embark on this kind of educational and fun journey ! :)

  15. This trip to China difinitely broadened my knowledge of China. Of all the visiting, I especially enjoyed the visit to the Great Wall Of China. Climbing up the Great Wall Of China tested my friends and me teamwork. We could not go up by ourselves one by one as we might lose each other. So we had to climb up the steps together. And if one person lacks behind, the whole group would have to stop and wait for the lacking person to catch up. 马老师 ended up lacking behind. Since all of us except 马老师 was at the first station, we had to wait for her to climb up to the first station before doing something else. Instead of just standing there waiting for 马老师 to climb up, we encouraged her to perservere and continue climbing up the steps and not let her tiredness affect her performance. We said things like, " 加油!!" , " 不要放弃!!" and “ 快点!!" . I think that those heroic words helped 马老师 a lot. She eventually managed to climb up to the first station. After that, some of us continued to climb to the second station while the others remained of the first station. I was one of those who went up to the second station. When I was climbing up the steps to the second station, I found it hard to inhale and exhale. I found out that I had difficulty breathing because as I get higher into the air, the air becomes thinner and the amount of oxygen gets lesser. I felt that I also easily got tired. In school, I can climb up to the second level without feeling tired!! But at the Great Wall Of China, on the flight of stairs leading to the second station, just climbing 2 steps will make me feel as if I had climbed 6 floors in school. It was extremely tiring!! As the saying goes,' hard work pays off'. After all that hard work climbimg to the second station, I managed to get a panoramic view of a vast area. It was spectacular!! Climbing the Great Wall Of China taught me never to give up.I was absolutely a memorable experience and I would never ever forget it.
    I must also express my thanks to the teachers and adults that planned everything out and made sure that we all were safe. They went an extra mile in ensuring that all of us enjoyed this trip.
    Hope that we would have more of these trips in future:)

    Laura Low Shu Yi
    P5 Jupiter

  16. 我在中国那六天时,我学到了很多关于中国和它的文化的知识。我最喜欢的两个活动是:

    - 在天津小学上“剪纸”课

    - 爬长城


    During the 6 days in China, I learnt many things about China and its culture. The two most enjoyable parts of this trip for me were attending paper-cutting class at Tianjin Primary School and climbing the Great Wall. Climbing up the Great Wall was exhausting and even though I did not climb to the very top, the breath-taking view from the half-way point made the journey there even more worthwhile. Lastly, I would like to thank the teachers who planned this trip for us and the teachers who accompanied us to China. Thank you, teachers!

    This was the view from the halfway point of the Great Wall.

    This was the paper cutting I made at Tianjin Primary School.

    Christabeth Leow
    P5 Mars

  17. After i went to china,i thought that this trip wasn't a waste of my time.i truely enjoyed it!
    climbing up the great wall of china was one of the many unforgettable memories on this immersion trip!many of us were panting our way up and even had the thought of giving up!i think most of us must have been ''coomforted'' by the encouragement given by the old man.i was impressed by what the old man said as a person who did not even know us could give us such encouragement to allow us to climb to the destination given to us.although it was a tiring experience,i feel really satisfied when we were down.i also enjoyed some other activities such as the trishaw ride at hutong courtyard and making dumplings there,visit to the urban planning centre and the forbidden city.and a big thank u to all teachers who had taken care of us on this trip.

    By:Chia Qi Xin:P

  18. I think I have learnt a lot from this trip to China.I had learnt more about chinese culture and China.One thing I have enjoyed the most was the visit to the Great Wall of China.It was not an easy job to climb up to the second station as the gaps between the steps were very big.I encouraged some of my friends when they were thinking of giving up,and this is a kind of teamwork.My friends and I took some pictures together as the view up there was very beautiful.Some of our friends even went up to the third station,while some of us waited at the second station as our legs were already very tired and was aching.After they had come down,we go down together as a group because it was very crowded,we also had to hold on to the handle as we go down because the steps were uneven and lumpy.I hope there will be more of these trips.THANK YOU TEACHERS! By:Chelsey Tan Shi Qi P5JUPITER 22 JUNE 2011 11:45am
